Saturday, August 31, 2019

Transformational and Transactional Leadership

Transformational and Transactional Leadership Transformational and Transactional Leadership Thomas J. Kenny CRJ-810 Dec 16, 2011 Many styles of leadership exist in the management world. Most of these approaches are very similar to one another. Two very different styles of leadership are the transactional and transformational leadership styles identified by James Burns in 1978. These leadership styles are almost polar opposites of one another, with employees in the transactional leadership style motivated by rewards and benefits, and employees in the transformational style motivated by their charismatic managers.These two leadership styles, though different from each another, can be very effective tools in the world of policing. Transactional leadership represents â€Å"those exchanges in which both the superior and the subordinate influence one another reciprocally so that each derives something of value. †(Yukl, 1981) This style of leadership can be compared to dangling a car rot in front of someone, or giving officers who write the most tickets steady weekends off. Leaders who use this style give their subordinates something they want in exchange for something that the leader wants.The reward system of leadership used by the transactional leader can also involve rewards or values that are not as easily tangible such as trust and respect. Burns(1978) referred to these values as modal values; â€Å"modal values bond leaders to followers in an attempt to actualize the needs of both parties. † These rewards such as trust and respect may still be given out by low level police supervisors who may not have the authority to give out overtime or authorize special days off.While transactional leadership is concerned with increasing production and motivation through a reward based system, transformational leadership is concerned with making the employee want to succeed. Bass & Steidlmeier (1998) describes this difference as: Transformational leadership is p redicated upon the inner dynamics of a freely embraced change of heart in the realm of core values and motivation, upon open-ended intellectual stimulation and a commitment to treating people as ends not mere means.To bring about change, authentic transformational leadership fosters the modal values of honesty, loyalty and fairness and the end values of justice, equality, and human rights. Transformational leadership contains four components: â€Å"idealized influence (attributed or behavioral),inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. † (Bass, 1985) These four components can be summed up as that of a charismatic leader. Employees will see the qualities of this charismatic leader and try to emulate them.Bass (1985) describes this emulation of charismatic leaders as: If the leadership is transformational, its charisma or idealized influence is envisioning, confident, and sets high standards for emulation. Its inspirational motivation provides followers with challenges and meaning for engaging in shared goals and undertakings. Its intellectual stimulation helps followers to question assumptions and to generate more creative solutions to problems. Its individualized consideration treats each follower as an individual and provides coaching, mentoring and growth opportunities.Transformational leadership can be very effective in the world of policing, where the leadership exists from the top down. Officers who work for a transformational leader in a police department must â€Å"understand the vision of the department’s direction, appreciate the organization’s potential, believe that the goal of improvement is supported by the entire organization, and support the idea that change is needed. † (Bynum, 2008) Transformational Leadership can be very effective due to the fact that its motivational and inspirational effects can be long lasting and felt by every employee in the organization.Transformati onal leadership encourages its members to be more proactive and more productive without any specific direction or a reward in mind other than that it benefit’s the organization as a whole. With transactional leadership, some of the rewards such as better hours or days off can only be enjoyed by a few of the members. A competition to see who can write the most summonses, with the winner getting better days off, may increase production at first.The benefit of weekends off can not be given to everyone though, and usually only those who receive the reward will continue to produce as much. Transformational leadership might have a difficult time succeeding in an organization such as the New York City Police Department. The NYPD was founded in 1845, and therefore is deeply rooted in traditions and norms. Even the most charismatic leader, brought into the NYPD to institute change and a new direction, is going to be met with extreme resistance.Police Officers, who can tend to be very reflexive at times, might not take well to the idea of being self starting, proactive, and productive for their department. This initial resistance by subordinates usually makes the transformational leadership approach a long term solution to a departments problems. Transformational leadership tends to be more effective that transactional leadership, due to the fact that most of the terms in the reward based system of transactional leadership are defined and tangible.The subordinate is expected to produce a certain amount in order to receive a benefit. This can tend to make the employee cease production once they have met the production requirement. Conversely in transformational leadership the employees are motivated not by a reward, but for the good of the organization as a whole. This motivation can lead employees in a transformational leader organization to produce much more than what is expected of them. The fact that the terms of a transactional leadership arrangement are tang ible also makes it effective for a short term production problem.A precinct with an influx of burglaries, might offer an extra day off to the next officer who makes a burglary arrest. While in the long run they would want the officer to always be vigilant for burglary arrests, the added benefit of a day off will have additional motivational effects. Transformational leadership is most often effective in organizations that have a need for change, or that have undergone a recent crisis. Transformational leaders tend to have uniting qualities, which can bring an organization out of mediocrity.Adolf Hitler, who was a tremendously charismatic transformational leader, was able to bring Germany back from the brink of total collapse and financial ruin that it was in following World War I. Transformational and transactional leadership can be two of the most effective styles of leadership in policing. By using the transformational leadership style, police managers can foster an group of proac tive and motivated police officers, who want to achieve greater results for the good of the team.By using the transactional leadership approach, they can achieve great results exchanging rewards and benefits with subordinates for increased production. Using a combination of these two approaches to police leadership should lead to great success. References Bass, B. , & Steidlmeier, P. (1998). Ethics, Character, and Authentic Transformational Leadership. Vanguard. edu. Retrieved December 10, 2011, from www. vanguard. edu/uploadedFiles/Faculty/RHeuser/ETHICS,%20MORAL%20CHARACTER%20AND%20AUTHENTIC%20TRANSFORMATIONAL%20LEADERSHIP. df Bass, B. M. (1985). Leadership and performance beyond expectations. New York: Free Press ;. Burns, J. M. (1978). Leadership. New York: Harper & Row. Bynum, R. (2008). Transformational Leadership and Staff Training in the Law Enforcement Profession. The Police Chief. Retrieved December 10, 2011, from www. policechiefmagazine. org/magazine/index. cfm? fuseacti on=display_arch&article_id=1422&issue_id=22008 Yukl, G. A. (1981). Leadership in organizations. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. : Prentice-Hall.

Friday, August 30, 2019

How Water Vapor and Clouds Cause Rain It’s a rainy day!

4. 3. 8  Cause  and  Effect  Essay How  Water  Vapor  and  Clouds  Cause  Rain It’s  a  rainy  day! Have  you  ever  thought  about  how  rain  is  formed? The  process  by which  water  vapor  and  clouds  cause  rain  will  be  explained  here. Water  vapor  and  clouds are  key  elements  in  the  production  of  rain. The  process  in  which  water  travels  from  the earth  to  the  air  and,  eventually,  back  to  the  earth  again  is  called  the  water  cycle.In  this cycle,  there  is  a  chain  of  events  that  clearly  show  a  process  of  cause  and  effect. Water  is  always  in  the  air. Water  in  the  gaseous  form  is  called  water  vapor. Warm  air can  hold  more  water  vapor  than  cool  air. Because  the  warm,  moist  air  is  less  d ense  than cool  or  dry  air,  it  rises. When  the  warm,  moist  air  rises,  it  slowly  starts  to  cool. As  a  result  of the  air  cooling,  the  water  vapor  in  the  air  begins  to  transform  into  very  tiny  droplets  of  liquid water.Now,  the  tiny  droplets  of  water  condense  on  the  particles  of  dust  that  are  in  the  air. Subsequently,  a  cloud  is  formed. After  a  while,  the  cloud  becomes  colder  and  more  water condenses. Then,  the  droplets  of  water  in  the  cloud  bump  into  each  other  to  form  larger drops. At  one  point,  the  drops  of  water  become  too  large  and  heavy  to  stay  in  the  cloud. Thus,  the  water  falls  to  the  earth  as  rain. Without  water  vapor  there  would  be  no  clouds,  and  w ithout  clouds  there  would  be  no

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Learning Plan Outcome Report 2,000 words Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Learning Plan Outcome Report 2,000 words - Essay Example The revised learning objectives were acquiring skills of recovery nursing both in clinical assessment and management of the postsurgical patients in the immediate postoperative period in the recovery room. This learning would also provide opportunity for application of knowledge and skills in the real situation where the learning along with evidence from research in recovery room nursing would be understood and applied in order to be able to deliver most appropriate care for the postoperative patients in the recovery room (Williams et al., 2002). The best way, thus, would be to constantly update personal knowledge and skill learning. The competency standards talk about accountability, and the best method to ensure accountability is to deliver care based on the state of the art learning (ANMC, 2004b). Specifically the learning would involve clinical assessment (ANMC, 2004a) and management of respiratory problems, pain management, management of nausea and vomiting, and documentation of care. Ans 1. The aim of recovery room nursing is provision of intensive observation and care in the postoperative patients, especially when the procedure had been done under anesthesia (Leykin et al., 2001). Ans 2. Q2. What are the primary objectives of nursing care in the Recovery Unit Ans 2. The primary objectives are recognition of major potential problems associated with a specific surgical procedure and initiation of appropriate corresponding actions. The nurses must be able to identify and demonstrate general procedures which are routine in the recovery unit, where the care will be documented until consciousness and physical functions are totally back to normal for legal reasons. It is better they use an established scoring guide for this reason (Wilkins et al., 2009). Q3. What are the serious events in the recovery unit that a nurse must watch for Ans 3. Respiratory problem, cardiovascular problem, and hemorrhage. Respiratory arrest is not uncommon in this liable and vulnerable situation. The nurse must be able to take corrective action promptly (Leykin et al., 2001). Q4. What are the primary goals of recovery room nursing care Ans4. These involve continuous, close monitoring, vigilant patient assessment; safe recovery from anaesthesia & surgery; skilled nursing action & patient management; prevention of, or early recognition & intervention of post anaesthetic/surgical problems; short-term intensive care nursing leading to optimal patient outcomes (Radford, 2003). Q5. What should be focus in care Ans5. The nurses must be competent and continue to assess their own competence. Immediate postoperative recovery care is important since in this phase many patient deaths may occur. Most of the deaths occur due to specific anesthetic errors, errors in judgment, lack of vigilance, and these can be prevented. Nursing care must focus on prevention of complications and their treatment if they occur (Radford, 2003). Q6. What should be the staffing ratios Ans6. Depending on the care needs and criticality of the condition, the staffing ratio varies. There is a recovery patient classification system, and based on that there are 4 classes, I, II, III, and IV, where the nurse patient ratios should be 2:1, 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Changes in Law Enforcement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Changes in Law Enforcement - Essay Example The President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice guides criminal justice policy in the United States. The criminal justice system is the main body of the rule of law which mainly constitutes three parts; law enforcement, adjudication, and corrections. This paper will discuss the changes expected in the field of criminal justice over the next fifty years. Capital punishment United States practices capital punishment for aggravated murder and rarely for felony murder. Although all of the American colonies practiced capital punishment prior to the declaration of the independence, the crimes subject to death penalty and mode of execution have largely varied over time from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Obviously, the US legal system considers capital punishment as an effective way to deter homicides and other severe crimes. As per the reports of Death penalty information center (Sep 20, 2010), there were 37 death penalty executions in United States in 200 8 and it was recorded as the lowest number since 1994. However, a notable change has been occurring for the recent decades; for instance, many states including Michigan, Alaska, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, New Jersey, New Mexico, Rhode Island, North Dakota, West Virginia, Vermont, and Wisconsin have abolished capital punishment recently. ... reported that the homicide rate per 100,000 population is just under 10 and it remains constant irrespective of increased death penalty execution rates. 75% of criminologists who belong to American Society of Criminology are of the opinion that increasing numbers of executions would not result in deterrence (Religious Hence, capital punishment seems to be abolished in the United States over the next fifty years. Gang violence and Gun control According to Children’s Defense Fund and National Center for Health Statistics â€Å"in a single year, 3,012 children and teens were killed by gunfire in the United States† (cited in Currie, April 20, 2007). It indicates that a child is killed in every three hours by gunfire. The alarming gun crime rate raises sever threats to the US economy and social life. Evidently, the increased gun crime rate among adolescents is directly attributed to teenager gangs. Thousands of students are said to have expelled from schools for bringing firearms to school. The proponents of gun control argue that deaths among teens due to gun crime make rather huge figure than disease related deaths. The liberal use of gun has been identified as one of the major threats to social safety that requires further political and legal concerns. Therefore, the US government tends to bring forth rather stringent ‘gun and gang control’ regulations in future. In addition, instead of punishing juvenile delinquents for gun crime, parents might be caught liable for their children’s criminal deeds. These are some of the legal provisions expected to take place in immediate future in the US law enforcement system. Release of terrorists Many of the developed nations, especially the United States have become the target for several terror groups.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

British Democracy and Iraq War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

British Democracy and Iraq War - Essay Example They also argued that there was need to liberate the Iraq people from the oppressive regime which was not democratic and was abusing the human rights of its citizens (Armstrong, Farrell, & Maiguashca, 2005). Democratic norms are in most cases not perceived to be relevant to the foreign and international policies of a country. However, in the consideration of the democracy framework of various governments a number of critical questions arise. The first one is about respect of the international law by a country, basing on the fact that such a government cannot easily acquire the democratic tribute in regard to the rule of law locally if it is capable of violating the rule of law in a foreign country. The international law is much vaguer compared to the domestic one, but majority of the international lawyers are in agreement that Iraq's invasion by both the United States of America and Britain was a blatant breach on the charter of the United Nations. The charter is very clear and stipulates that armed forces can only be used in a case of self defense or when the United Nations Security Council explicitly authorizes use of such force (Vickers, 2004). Tony Blair in attacking Iraq had complete disregard of the United Nation's charter in fact, his speech in 1999 whi... ve failed to implement them and hence country's like Britain and the United States of America, have to bear some burden like invading Iraq since they have a sense of world responsibility. In this case he was actually implying that his government had the right to invade a sovereign government like that of Iraq and thus participate in enforcing the resolutions of the United Nations. The British government was in this case very biased as it even chose the resolutions to enforce and which ones to leave out, which by any standards cannot be viewed as respecting international rule of law (Allawi, 2007). The British government argued that it was not important to wait the United Nations to pass resolutions that would explicitly authorize the use of force in Iraq as this could mean taking a back seat and watch as a humanitarian crisis takes center stage in Iraq as it happened in Kosovo. By basing their argument on the Kosovo humanitarian catastrophe the British government justified the removal by force of the Iraq's undemocratic regime, arguing that the Iraq government was actually violating human rights of its citizens (Beck, Grande, & Cronin, 2007). The second question evolves around Britain's consistency on its quest to support human rights and democracy in foreign countries. When the human rights and democracy are used as base of justifying morality of a government's policies then consistency is considered to be a vital factor. Such arguments when applied selectively loose meaning and the weight they ought to carry. Although, largely believed that the more powerful and democratic countries can support human rights and democracy on foreign countries, they cannot achieve their objectives by use of force, since that would in fact, mean violation of the same human rights

Monday, August 26, 2019

Nursing Leadership Philosophy and Diversity statement Essay

Nursing Leadership Philosophy and Diversity statement - Essay Example Therefore, it is the responsibility of healthcare management to lead and influence the development of expectations, vision, and shared values to ensure overall effectiveness and direct the organisation towards the achievement of planned goals and objectives. Healthcare and hospital providers are today adjusting to changes of environment and redirecting their management policies. For every nurse to provide good quality care to his or her patients, he or she should become more efficient when administering care, should improve peer practices, elevate peer’s standards of care within the hospital environment, and advocate his or her patients. All these acts represent the attributes of an effective nurse leader. A nurse who sees the need for improvement, change, advancement, and innovation forms fundamental traits that are essential in active leadership (Sherman, Schwarzkopf, & Kiger, 2011). As conditions change day by day, the delivery of care also changes, therefore, the need for flexibility and versatility during care giving, for effective adaptation to these changes as they occur. Thus, my nursing practice has been mentored through programs that are directed by the theory of situational leadership that has helped me to nurture and develop my innate traits for the betterment of my peers and patients depending on how the situations occur. The senior leaders in my organisation encouraged subordinate leaders to develop various leadership styles to manage different circumstances and situations better. I have researched a number of leadership theories in nursing during self-evaluation, and I have concluded that my leadership styles can be well described by situational leadership theory. This is because of my capability to adapt to various situations as they occur, love to work in a team, my practice is evidence based, and allow my peers to contribute in decision-making. The situational leadership

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Research Methods and Critique Question Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Methods and Critique Question - Research Paper Example In addition, this paper critically appraises the article â€Å"Embedding Quality in e-Learning Implementation through Evaluation† by Frances Deepwell (2007) which throws light on the various domains of evaluation as applicable to the domain of e-learning and recommends how evaluation can be used in order to improve the quality of e-learning (Deepwell, 2007). E-Learning – a novel approach to learning: In the current advent of technological advancements, the world has changed into a global village, where distance learning, an essential component of which is e-learning, has fast made its place in the domain of education (Gunasekaran, McNeil, & Shaul, 2002; Khodamoradi & Abedi, 2011). In this download era, the internet has transformed from a simple medium where information and knowledge was fed and then consequently retrieved or shared at a required time, into a worldwide platform, where now each and every second millions, if not more, users are learning ,sharing and teachi ng a wide variety of topics (Downes, 2005). Moreover, in recent times, the teaching methodologies and learning approaches have experienced a paradigm shift in that learner centered approaches are more favored than teacher centered educational approaches, which has made the learning process more individualized and tailored to suit each individual’s pace, requirements and capacity (Deepwell, 2007). In today’s post-positivism era, more emphasis is placed on promoting learner autonomy and cooperative learning (Ehlers et al., 2005). In such a model of learning, the use of technology is pertinent and effective as it enables learners to be independent and learn from a wide variety of learning strategies rather than the conventional teacher centered mode of instruction (Zhang, 2003). These demands and changing trends in the patterns of learning and transfer of knowledge and ideas gave rise to the concept of distance learning or e-learning. The term distance learning refers to â€Å"education designed for learners who live at a distance from the teaching institution or education provider (Khodamoradi & Abedi, 2011, p. 225).† Traditionally, the predominant medium of education employed for distance learning was print media such as textbooks, notes or other course materials, but more recently, this practice has been replaced gradually with the increasing use of non-print media eversince the evolution of the concept of e-learning (Khodamoradi & Abedi, 2011). E-Learning, which is defined as â€Å"technology-based learning in which learning materials are delivered electronically to remote learners via a computer network (Zhang, Zhao, Zhou, & Nunamaker, 2004, p. 76)†

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Animal in research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Animal in research - Essay Example Prior approval from Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is mandatory before using animals for such purposes. An estimated 100-200 million non-human animals are used and decimated annually through out the world in universities, medical colleges, research institutes, defense and public health establishments, commercial and pharmaceutical companies etc. Non-human animal testing is conducted chiefly for basic research, applied research and toxicology or safety testing. The proponents of animal testing argue that animals have a significant role in research that can benefit both animals and humans. Major development in medicine and science has been possible through such researches. Animals such as mice was used for development of the drug penicillin(awarded with Nobel prize), dogs for organ transplantation as well as Pavlov's experimentation, mice and monkey's for the vaccine poliomyelitis etc. The very edifice of morality and ethics is based on the principle that humans are unique and distinct from non-human and so they can utilize animals for their benefit. It is also a moral duty to elevate the misery of both animals and humans by researching developing medical science and science in general. Since non-human animals are less developed they are not so sensitive to pain and suffering.

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Overview of the Finance Ethics Concept Research Paper

The Overview of the Finance Ethics Concept - Research Paper Example The research paper "The Overview of the Finance Ethics Concept" discusses the concept of ethics in terms of the practice of finance as a discipline, an issue that is very indispensable in entirely all disciplines that define humanity. Several studies have always confirmed that without a proper ethical framework in place, finance comes to shambles. It is imperative that people are versed with all the relevant aspects of this field so that harmony and professionalism are realized in the field. Several ethical dilemmas will normally confront the players in the field and incase one is not well versed on how to conduct themselves; it could prove very difficult to manage such situations. However, much knowledge does exist on some of the dilemmas and the most appropriate strategies on how to tackle them. In such a case, it becomes important to learn them and get acquainted with them. The research process will involve the basic primary aspects in which case data will be sought in the field. Though the most relevant practitioners in the field will be part of the process and the data will be collected and analyzed using conventional statistical aspects. Both primary and secondary sources will be considered as sources of information. Also, it is hoped that the findings will reveal that a challenge really exists with respect to ethical conduct in the field of finance. It is further expected that people will indeed confirm that they have faced challenges regarding the concept.

Phonology and the Teaching of Pronunciation Essay

Phonology and the Teaching of Pronunciation - Essay Example In English, most connected speech processes are unimportant when distinguishing between speakers of all accents (Roach, 2004:1). Native speakers have many tools for dealing with unclear words and sounds that are caused by connected speech for they are already familiar within that context. But native speakers also experience stumbling over their words because of their lack of awareness of the little tricks or the rules in avoiding the difficulties in speech. Studying connected speech is important because of two essential factors (Basquille, n.d.:4). First, native speakers of the English language do not pause between each sound or word, as already mentioned, but they move effortlessly from one sound or word to the next. Second, English is considered as a malleable language, meaning not all syllables within a word are equal. There are weak syllables that disappear or not heard at all and strong syllables that are stressed and lengthened. An example is the question: "How long have you been living here" where the "how" is hardly pronounced, "have you been" contracts, and "long" and "living" expand. Because English has been described as "stress-timed as opposed to a syllable-timed language", meaning stressed and unstressed syllables may extremely vary at irregular intervals of time, sentences are quite elastic (Basquille, n.d.:4). ... These refer to the different aspects of connected speech: 1) vowel weakening, 2) assimilation, 3) elision, 4) intrusion and linking. This paper aims to find out the rules that native speakers of English follow to string words together that brings confusion and problems to students who are learning English. Vowel weakening, assimilation, elision and intrusion and linking are the features of connected speech that are necessary for learning English, whether a native or a non-native speaker. Aspects of Connected Speech Vowel Weakening In the phonetics of English, weak forms refer to the group of words which have one pronunciation: strong when isolated and weak when not stressed within a phrase (Brett, 2007; Roach, 2004:2). Weak forms are recognized by an alteration in vowel quality from a border position on the vowel quadrilateral to a central position. The common vowel in a weak form is the schwa // and they are pronounced at a faster rate and a lower volume than stressed syllables and they are not central to changes in intonation. Weak forms can be seen in words which are necessary to construct a phrase but they do not deliver much information for they are not content words (Brett, 2007; Roach, 2004:4). An example is the sentence: I went to the hotel and booked a room for two nights for my father and his best friend (/a went t h tel n bkt ru:m f tu: nats f ma f:r n hz best frend/). In the sentence, the words that are central to the message are emphasized: went, hotel, booked room, two nights, father, and best friend. If the weak forms or the words that are not emphasized are eliminated from the sentence, the set of phrases may be a little difficult to interpret but they can still

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Potato Salad Americans Essay Example for Free

Potato Salad Americans Essay Eating a Healthy Diet Assignment ? Try a New Recipe (10 pts) 1. Go to the Cooking Light website or any other website that gives you healthy recipes and chose a recipe you would like to try. Website you used: Cooking light . com Recipe you chose ? copy and paste the recipe including nutrition information in the space below. How to Make Potato Salad Americans can definitely agree on one thing: Potatoes are our favorite veggie. Each of us eats about a whopping 130 pounds per year. During the summer months (if not year-round), you can safely bet that loads of potatoes find their way into the ubiquitous potato salad. Honestly, can you have a cookout or picnic without one? Despite regional interpretations, theres really one basic way to make this popular dish. And here, well show you how to master the technique and turn out a variety of unique, healthy salads. Step One: Cut to Size Cut potatoes into uniform shapes and sizes so theyll cook evenly. If theyre different sizes, some will become mushy while others still have an undesirable crunch. Low-starch varieties, like red potatoes, work best in potato salads. Step Two: Start in Cold Water. Be sure to start with cold water when boiling potatoes. This works to solidify the outer surfaces and helps prevent them from getting too soft as the interior cooks, so the potatoes will hold their shape nicely in a potato salad. Step Three: Add Dressing Make the dressing while the potatoes cook, and toss them with the dressing while theyre still warm so theyll absorb maximum flavor. If using dairy products, like sour cream, allow the potatoes to cool slightly before tossing to prevent curdling. Step Four: Add Additional Flavors and Ingredients Customize your salad. For example, add your favorite veggies, fresh herbs, or salad greens. You can even give the salad an international flair: Lemongrass adds Thai flavor; chutney lends an Indian taste. 2. Try out the recipe, take a picture of you with the prepared meal and report back to class what you thought of this recipe. Would you recommend it? Will you make it again? Anything you would change the next time? To get full credit for this assignment, you need to show your picture to your instructor. Initial of instructor.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Should Druthers Forming Limited Be Given The Loan?

Should Druthers Forming Limited Be Given The Loan? DRUTHERS FORMING LIMITED Should Druthers Forming Limited be given the loan? Druthers Forming Limited that was founded in 1987 by Mr. Garrett and Norm Sheppard have requested on July 30, 2007 an amount of $350,000 loan from Mr. Brad Mac Dougall, account manager at the Canadian Commercial Bank (CCB). To know whether or not this amount needs to be passed depends on several factors thus for this purpose there are several questions that are needed to be answered before this decision can be made, thus in this report we will find out the answers to Mr. Brads questions. To make any decision we first need to assess the past financial performance using the statement of cash flow and ratio analysis. If we take a look at the cash flow statement 2007 for the first thing that we can notice is the Net Income which for this year was $-12,100. This means that Druthers Forming Limited for that year have made a loss which is not good for any kind of bank that is giving a loan worth $350,000, even so if we take a look at the Net Cash Flow from Operations we can see that even with a loss the company can easily cover it with cash. In terms of Financial Activities the net cash flow is $-15,212 which again means that the company already has long term loan and is already affecting the cash flow in a negative way. If we go further to Investing Activities we can clearly see again that the net cash flow for this as well is $-68,204 which again is impacting the cash flow in a negative way but the cause for this is that they have a lot of money invested in land and construction, which in due course could come in a form of return and thus will boast the cash flow. The net cash flow after calculation is only $45,974 and with an addition of beginning cash the ending cash is only $118,550 but as mentioned before there is a possibility that some of the negative net cash flow could turn to positive cash flow. The cash flow has given us an idea of the situation of the cash in the company but now we need to go even deeper with finding out what affect the company has on its ratios. The first and the most important ratios for any company is the Liquidity Ratios which include Current Ratio, Acid Test/Quick Ratio and Cash Ratio. To begin with lets look at the Current Ratio which for 2007 is 3.14:1 and for any bank this is good as this assures that the company will easily is able to pay the loan but in term of the company itself it may not be a good sign as this means that they have more than 3 times the current asset to their current liability which will for sure affect the companies interests and thus will affect the Income Statement at a future stage. If we look at the Acid Test Ratio which for 2007 is 3.01:1 we can come to the same conclusion as before with the Current Ration that it is really good for a bank to offer loan to this company. As for Cash Ratio for 2007 it is 1.38:1 which is really good for any company to have a ratio above 1 is very good and this means that they are managing their cash well and will for sure help them to get their loans easily as this assures banks that they will have enough funds to pay the loan in the future. Another ratio that will help us to understand the situation is the Total Debt Ratio which is total asset minus total equity upon total asset. For the year 2007 the total asset was $423,504 and total equity is $302,115 which is equal to 28.6%. This is not bad for any company but considering the Banks point of view it would be a lot better if it was higher that 30%. The second question requests us to project two years financial statements which are the Statement of Income and Balance Sheet for the year 2008 and 2009. This has been shown in the tables below: The next question that was presented is to consider the working capital requirements, including performing a sensitivity analysis on the days of accounts receivable, inventory and/or accounts payable. As given in the working capital for the year 2007 is $183,129 which compared to previous years has fallen drastically. This means that the financial health of the company is deteriorating and this will keep on happening until the company improves it working capital. In terms of Accounts Receivable, Inventory and/or Accounts Payable the age period is 157 days, 12 days and 57 days respectively. The best way to calculate this is to use ratios and for this purpose we will first look into the Days Sales in Inventory which is 365 / Inventory Turnover which is given as 12 days. This means that the company will receive their inventory 30.4 times in 365 days which is very good for the companys cash flow and will thus benefit the bank as well. As for Accounts Receivable we need to take a look at the ratio called Days Sales in Receivables which is 365 / Receivables Turnover. This is also given to us as 157 days which means that it will take 2.32 times for the company to cover its accounts receivable and in comparison if we look at Accounts Payable the number of days mentioned is only 57 days to 150 days because 85% of the yearly purchase were made from May to September which means that the accounts are payable 2.63 times. We can clearly see in the earlier mentioned figures that the company receives the payment much slower that the number of times it pays which is not the best choice for any company as every company should try and keep its accounts receivable and payable as equal as they can. For example if Druthers Forming Limited changed their receiving period from 157 days to 120 days this will increase the receivable time period to 3.04 times which is a lot better and on the other hand if they try to increase the payable period to 70 days this will mean that the company will need to pay only 2.1 times which is much closer than to their actual state. To be a lot serious the better option for the company is to try to reduce the receivable period to 60 days and increase their payable period to 90 days this will mean that it will take 6.08 times and 4.05 times for the company to receive and pay respectively. This would be the best situation for the company as this means that they will receive cash a lot sooner that paying it. In terms of Inventory that was discussed previously we could consider that 12 days in 365 days is not bad but what if the inventory turnover is changed to 20 days. In this case the company will be selling its inventory 18.3 times a year which will impact the cash flow and the balance sheet thus we can come to a conclusion that it would be better to try and keep the inventory turnover to 12 days and if possible to try to reduce it a little if possible. Thus we could say that due to the difference in receivables to the payables the working capital will keep on decreasing until some changes are done. The next question that is put in front of us is to determine the loan amount needed, and decide on the type and terms of the loan. For this purpose we will consider that the loan has been given and we take it as $350,000 as the amount that will be given as loan. There are mainly two types of loan these are secured and non-secured loans. Secured loans is when a bank gives a loan based on an asset as a guarantee and non secured asset is when there is no asset taken as a guarantee but instead it is given based on the bank balance. In this case the type of loan that we will consider is secure loan and thus the terms of the loan will be based on that the building purchased will be considered as a guarantee for it. The other terms will be that the repayment period for the loan will not exceed 10 years and the interest on the loan every year shall be 5.8%. In case of failure to pay the bank will be eligible to claim the property. The loan will be distributed equally through the 10 year span and the interest every year would be $20300. The question that we then need to consider next is the analysis the risk associated with the loan using the four Cs of credit. To begin with this we first need to know what are the four Cs of credit which are character, capacity, capital and collateral. Character refers to the financial history of the borrower (Murray(a)); this means that we need to access the financial data of the company. Druthers Forming Limited gets between 30% and 70% of their sales from Sheppard Homes which is basically one of their family businesses. Due to this reason most of the other builders in the market are very reluctant to give the company any business. Most of Druthers suppliers offered them 30 to 60 day credit term and they did the same as well but the problem with this as mentioned before in the earlier section is that they still ended up paying their creditors before the received any cash from the debtors. This also means that the company has always paid their creditors and even if we take a look at the long term debt of the company they have been paying their debts at a consistent pace. Capacity refers to the ability of the business to generate revenues in order to pay back the loan (Murray(b)). As mentioned before the company did make a loss in the year 2007 and the sales of the company has fallen drastically in a span of three years. This is not the only problem they are having as the cash flow is also not doing very well and unless some changes are done they will keep on having bad cash flow. Capital refers to the capital assets of the business such as machinery and equipment, etc. (Murray(c)) If we look at the balance sheet for the year 2007, we can see that the fixed asset consists of only land and construction in progress which is not much compared to what normally the companys fixed assets tend to be. Collateral is the cash and assets a business owner pledges owner pledges to secure a loan (Murray(d)). As mentioned before the company has not much fixed assets and this means that they do not have any asset to give as security for the loan but as we already know that the company needs the money to purchase a building we can consider it as a guarantee for the loan. Now we need to evaluate several options (deny the loan, grant the request or defer the request) available to the lender to determine which option is the best for this decision. As mentioned in the question we need to consider three options the first option is to deny the loan which considering the companies past would be a better choice as the company has made a loss in 2007, in addition they do not have a good cash flow and last but not the least they have no assets to offer as security which is imposible for a bank to give a loan without a security. The second option to grant the request as mentioned would not be wise but there is some hope in terms of this as we could consider the building that will be purchased as security so that in case of any failure to pay, we could consider the building as payment for the loan but by the looks of things the company has never really failed to pay their long term loans and this is a good sign for any bank. The last option to defer the loan and this may actually be the best option as the company does not have enough funds to pay the bank plus they have no security to properly cover the loan. The best thing would be ei ther to wait for another six months to a year to see the status of the companys finance and then the company could put in another request. The last question that was asked to us was as Mac Dougall, to decide whether to lend funds and to provide supporting rationale for this decision. After giving a lot of thinking to this it seems that it would be better that instead of actually giving the whole amount we can come to an agreement that the bank will give a loan of $200,000 for the first year with an interest of 5.8% per year which is $11,600 per year for a span of 10 years and in case the situation of the company is better after six months or a year, we could offer another $150,000 with the same conditions as above but the company will need to give 60% of the ownership of the building to the bank as security for this loan incase of failure to pay. This may not be the best option for Druthers Forming Limited but considering their week cash flow and balance sheet it would be difficult for any bank to offer the total amount of loan without being fully sure that the company can pay the loan and interest. Bibliography Murray, J. (n.d.). The 4 Cs of Credit for Business Loan. Retrieved August 8, 2010, from Murray, J. (n.d.). The 4 Cs of Credit for Business Loan. Retrieved August 8, 2010, from Murray, J. (n.d.). The 4 Cs of Credit for Business Loans. Retrieved August 8, 2010, from Murray, J. (n.d.). The 4 Cs of Credit for Business Loans . Retrieved August 8, 2010, from

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Romantic Era Of Opera Music Essay

The Romantic Era Of Opera Music Essay The Romantic Era was a period in music in which there was much change during the 1850s to the 1920s in the theory and compositional practice of music. The composers wrote their pieces with more artistic freedom, experimentation, and creativity than the artists of the classical era and this caused the melody to become the more dominant feature in the songs composed. Some popular composers that originated out of this era are: Robert Schumann, Franz Schubert, Frà ©dà ©ric Chopin, and Richard Wagner. For inspiration, many Romantic composers turned to visual arts, poetry, drama and literature, and to nature itself. These influences led composers to express emotion in their music. These changes in the sound of the music came in the form of the increased use of dissonance and the extended use of chromatics. Although Romantic era music contained classical era roots, the instruments used in the Romantic era were changing and brass and woodwind instruments were being improved in the quality of sound, as well as in how they were played. Some Romantic era composers used their compositions to express nationalism by the way of incorporating elements unique to their native cultures, such as folk songs, dances, and legendary histories. Mikhail Glinka is an example of a composer who wrote operas specifically on Russian subjects. Many great operas derived from the Romantic era including Gaetano Donizettis Lucia di Lammermoor, as well as Gioachino Rossinis The Barber of Seville. Opera was very dominant in Italy where the operas differed from the operas of the classical era because the form of the pieces were being changed by having the tenors given the heroic lead in operas and by giving the chorus a more important lead than before. Gioachino Rossini was the first composer to initiate an opera in the Romantic era, which started in the early 19th century. His first piece, La Cambiale di Matrimonio, included scenes where the characters expressed emotion through the lyrics of their songs. This was a comedic opera that was the first of its kind which was written in 1810. Many great composers followed Rossini including Vincenzo Bellini, Gaetano Donizetti, and Giuseppe Verdi. These composers continued to change the way operas were being written as well as preformed. These changes were evident in Verdis first success ful opera, Nabucco, which the general public found interesting because of its great choruses. Verdi also continued to express nationalism in his operas, Va, pensiero, which was interpreted as giving meaning to the struggle for Italian independence and Verdi was expressing his hope to unify Italy. By the end of the Romantic era, opera had become a combination of many art forms including the theatre, dance and orchestra oriented music. Although opera was predominant in Italy, many other European composers were contributing to the changes in the music of their generation, including German composer Richard Wagner. Richard Wagner was born on May 22, 1813 in Leipzig, Germany where he had a difficult childhood. Wagners father died of typhus six months after Richards birth which led his mother Johanna Rosine Wagner, to begin living with the actor and playwright Ludwig Geyer, who had been a friend of Richards father up until his death. Richards mother then proceeded to marry Ludwig Geyer and they moved the family to Dresden. It is here where Wagner started his musical learning. Richard first took interest in his step fathers love for the theatre and performance arts and he played an angel in a play at a local theatre. When he was seven, Wagner was enrolled at Pastor Wetzels school at Possendorf, near Dresden, where he received some piano instruction from his Latin teacher. A year later his stepfather died which led the ei ght year old Wagner to attend the Kreuz Grammar School in Dresden. Although Richard was largely a self taught musician he persuaded his family to allow him to take music lessons. From 1828-1831 Wagner completed his first lessons in composition with Christian Gottlieb Mà ¼ller and by the time he was fifteen he had already written his first play. Wagners focus on drama is one of the reasons his operas really shined as being different than operas of the classical era. He enrolled at the University of Leipzig in 1831 where Wagner further took composition lessons from Christian Theodor Weinlig who refused to let Richard pay for the lessons he was giving him. Weinlig was so impressed with Wagners talents that he arranged for one of Wagners piano works to be published. Wagner continued his studies in music and he completed his first opera when he was twenty years old called Die Feen. This opera would not be produced until half a century later when it was premiered in Munich shortly after his death in 1883. Around the time he wrote his first opera, Wagner married the actress Minna Planer, who he moved to Riga with where he became the music director of the local opera house. His relationship with his wife was a troubled one in that she left him once for another man, but came back to him before they moved to Paris due to fleeing from tremendous debt. In 1862 he returned to Germany, where he moved in with Ludwig II. After the success of his opera, Tristan und Isolde, he decided to do more traveling around Europe where he created such classics as Siegfried and Gà ¶tterdà ¤mmerung. Towards the end of his life Wagner decided to settle in Italy where wrote his final opera, Parsifal. Parsifal was first preformed at the Bayreuth festival which occurred at the opera house in which Wagner himself funded. After the second Bayreuth festival the Wagners decided to take a trip to Venice in the winter of 1883. It is here where Richard Wagner passed away due to a heart attack. In his long musical career Wagner created thirteen operas including the most notable Rienzi, Der fliegende Hollà ¤nde, Tristan und Isolde, and Der Ring des Nibelungen. It was clear that Wagner was changing the way operas were being preformed, and he continued to push the music further into the Romantic era by viewing operas as total art works.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Drinking Status, Labeling, and Social Rejection Essay -- essays resear

Drinking Status, Labeling, and Social Rejection   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Drinking has been, for a long time, a very debatable topic. In the 1920s, drinking was seen as something so bad that it needed to be prohibited completely. Alcohol consumption is still often seen as distasteful, especially in large quantities. In this study by Keith M. Kilty and Thomas M. Meenaghan, researchers looked at the drinking status of fictional people along with other factors such as age and sex and asked participants to rate these people based on such attributes. The article mentions several reasons that this study is less limited than other studies referring to labeling. Other studies have included only social distance and since this study included friendship acceptance and respect along with other characteristics of the personality such as religion and age, it explores a variety of different aspects of labeling and social rejection.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In class, we talked about labeling in terms of IQ. We looked at the effects of labeling children as intelligent or slow and how these labels changed the way children approached their education. This study looks at labeling from a different perspective. Rather than looking at the effects on the person who has been labeled, this study looks at how a label can affect someone’s perception of another person. Using the social characteristics provided, the subjects draw conclusions about the fictional person according to respect, friendship acceptance, and social distance. We also talked briefly about substance abuse and how there is a difference between addiction and dependency. This might tie into the discrepancy between â€Å"problem drinker† and â€Å"alcoholic† in the study. Different groups gave these two categories different ratings which could be seen as a relationship between addiction and dependency and how the two different labels are perc eived.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Three sample groups were recruited for the study. The first was a group of 101 males and 104 females with an average age of 44.5 years; this group was called the community group (C). The second was the practitioner group (P) with 73 males and 46 females with an average age of 27.1; they were all graduate students in the Graduate School of Social Work at Marywood College. The third and final group consisted of inmates, all male, with an avera... ... need to be in groups that have more racial and gender diversity. This would deal with a lot of the possible biases that are inherent in the study. It also might be interesting to include race or ethnicity as a description factor of the stimuli to see if that has an effect on the responses. The religions may need to be broadened in order to account for the religious diversity in our country. Although I think that the study is relevant to the topic of labeling, it might be better served in a broader context. However, too much variables would make it too difficult to decide what is causing the responses. There is a thin line between too much and not enough in this situation. I think that this study gives interesting insight into what it might be like to be labeled as an alcoholic in our society and with an updated version, I think it could be very relevant to the study of alcoholism. Reference: All the information in this paper was drawn from the article by Kilty, Keith M. and Meenaghan, Thomas M. out of the Journal of Social Psychology, 1973. The article is entitled Drinking Status, Labeling, and Social Rejection. I also pulled some of the information used from in class lectures.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Loyalty in Homers Odyssey Essay -- Homer Odyssey Essays

Loyal Relationships in Homer's Odyssey Loyalty is heroic. Loyalty is defined as faithfulness or devotion to a person, cause, obligations, or duties. In Homer's Odyssey one can see loyalty in many forms. Odysseus is loyal to the gods whom he realized held his life in their hands. Penelope was loyal to Odysseus, while trying not to offend the rude suitors. Telemachus was loyal to a father whom he only knew from the stories he had been told. Time and time again we see loyalty in the strongest sense, complete fidelity in time of uncertainty. In a world where today, we can hardly hope for fidelity and allegiance in the one we choose to give our love to, it might be difficult to understand the plight of Penelope and Telemachus. Even Odysseus would have understood if Penelope had already found love in another man, as evidenced when he asks his mother "And tell me of my wife: how runs her thought, still with her child, still keeping our domains, or bride again to the best of the Akaians?" (Lawall 335). After all Odysseus had been gone for twenty years. Telemachus is now twenty-on...

Comparing the Role of the Black in the South in Clotelle and Absalom, A

Role of the Black in the Southern Family as Evidenced in Clotelle and Absalom,   Absalom!  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚   Southern Literature, more than anything else, is a discussion of the family. And in the family, particularly the Southern family, no question is as pivotal--or causes as many disputes--as "who belongs?" Southern Literature has been, in many ways, a canon of exclusion. From a culture built upon controlling and utilizing an entire race for the express purpose of advancing another, a canon of yearning and despair is left. And in no place is this as clear as within the family, the unit by nature designed to nurture and support--and ultimately overcome. Stereotypically, the family longed for by every Southerner is one of impeccable repute, a white triumph, clean of any African blood, with a heritage predating the Revolution and a lineage reaching beyond the next millennium. Clotelle, by William Wells Brown, is an appeal to the Southern ideal that African-Americans do not and can not fit into the traditional, lily-white aristocratic familial structure which ruled the South during his time--and reigned for many years thereafter. Traditional Southern canon emphasizes the Thomas Sutpens--of William Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom! --who ejects African-Americans from his family (as he attempts to create a new one), and men like the Sheriff of Charles W. Chesnutt's "The Sheriff's Children," who sells a pregnant slave--carrying his unborn mulatto child--into slavery. The advancement and protection of one's name is also highlighted by Sutpen and by Clara Hohlfelder in another Chesnutt tale, "Her Virginia Mammy." These are ideals which Brown understands and resists, and tries--ultimately in vain--to defy. Clotelle does not adjust itself to the tr... ...ildren are born as a result--are disposed of as quietly as possible, in order to keep the familial superstructure as maximally pure as possible. A white man does not marry a slave, or make a respectable woman of her. He keeps her and his child in a shed outside of town, he sends them to New Orleans, or sells them to the rice swamps to toil under the whip for the remainder of their lives. Southern literature excludes the African-American from its families, thus robbing her of her identity and forcing her to become a mere brick in the base below the superstructure. Works Cited Brown, William Wells. Clotelle. Miami: Mnemosyne Publishing, 1969. Chesnutt, Charles W. "Her Virginia Mammy" and "The Sheriff's Children." Collected Stories of Charles W. Chesnutt. New York: Penguin, 1992. 114-148. Faulkner, William. Absalom, Absalom! New York: Vintage, 1990.   

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Motion Picture Industry: Executive Summary

The motion picture industry is a competitive business. More than 50 studios produce a total of 300 to 400 new movies each year. The financial success of each motion picture varies considerably. The opening weekend gross sales (in millions), the total gross sales (in millions), the number of theaters in which the movie was shown, and the number of weeks the motion picture was in the top 60 for gross sales are common variables use to measure the success of a movie. Data Collected for a sample of 100 movies produced in 2005 are contained in the file named Movies. xlsx. This file is attached to the assignment link on Blackboard. Using this data prepare an executive summary detailing how each of the variables help explain the total gross sales. In other words, your total gross sales is a function of opening gross sales, number of theaters, and number of weeks in the top 60. The executive summary will contain the following parts. 1. What are your initial assumptions or hypotheses? Which of the variables have the highest correlation with total gross sales? IE, which variables to you think make the most difference toward total gross sales? By studying the information, I believe the variable with the highest correlation with total gross is the opening gross sales. The movie with the highest opening gross also ends up with the highest total gross sale. 2. Develop the descriptive statistics for each of the four columns. 3. Develop tabular and graphical summaries for each of the four variables along with a description of what each summary tells us about the motion picture industry, if anything. 4. Develop a scatter diagram to explore the relationship between total gross sales (y) and opening weekend sales (x). Display the regression and slope equations with a trend line. . Develop a scatter diagram to explore the relationship between total gross sales (y) and Number of theaters(x). Display the regression and slope equations with a trend line. 6. Develop a scatter diagram to explore the relationship between total gross sales (y) Number of weeks in the top 60 (x). Display the regression and slope equations with a trend line. 7. Which of these three variables have the most effect on total gross sales? Does this make sense to you? Why or Why not? * T he variable that effects the total gross sales the most is the opening sales with R? = 0. 9298. It does make sense to me because usually If the movie does not start with a high opening gross, meaning people don’t go to premier, it will start falling behind as other movies are following to come out. 8. Does this final analysis square with your initial assumptions or hypothesis? Why or why not? -Yes it does, in my hypothesis I came to the conclusion that opening gross was the main variable and had the most effect as it was shown in the data given, and It made sense to me since I watch a lot of movies, usually if it doesn’t start with a high gross, it will not have a great total gross sales if comparing to other movies. . If you were the marketing executive in charge of spending $100 million to promote the new Iron Man 3 movie coming out this summer, where would you concentrate your money and efforts? Why there? -I would concentrate the money in trailers and commercials as this is how it will show consumers how the movie will be, a sneak peak which everyone loves, an d for the ones that don’t have an idea of what the movie is about, it will show them and will most likely encourage them to watch the movie, pretty much it pumps up people and excite them to watch the movie.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Animal Benefits

Much More Than Just a Friend In history there has always been the phrase, â€Å"man and his best friend†. This symbolizes the special bond shared between a dog and his master. Man and canine have been attached to each other historically by the necessity of protecting the herds and hunting for food. Man and dog originally became paired as humans were considered hunters and gathers, and both dogs and humans we're social creatures that hunted in the daytime. On the other side it has been found that dogs have a natural instinct to attach themselves to man.This longstanding relationship has been roven as † a dog Jawbone found in Iraq led scientists to believe that dogs were domesticated over 14,000 years ago' (Lear). By human nature, we seek unconditional love. Animals help enhance people's quality of life, not only by improving their physical well being, but also improving their mental state. Animals have been scientifically proven to decrease stress, lower blood pressure, d ecrease incidents of heart attacks, and improve overall mental health. There is evidence of simple facts such as, â€Å"People with pets have lower blood pressure in stressful situations than hose without pets† (Segal 1). Playing with a pet can elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine, which calm and relax which then has pet owners have lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels (indicators of heart disease) than those without pets. Heart attack patients with pets survive longer than those without again supporting the evidence of the physical affects of owning a pet. Research states that pet owners over age 65 make 30 percent fewer visits to their doctors than those without pets. † The physical benefits of owning a pet seem to be endless on so many levels (â€Å"The Benefits of Pet†).Then there are a variety of examples that are connected to the mental and physical well being ofa pet owning individual. On a daily basis owners of dogs have been found to have lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels when compared to their non-dog owning counterparts. Interestingly enough, studies have included an even match with patients evenly matched for weight, diet, and smoking habits. The study progresses with the participants taking stress tests and physical examinations. The patients who were dog/pet owners, or who were in the presence of n animal demonstrated lower heart rates and blood pressure during the test (O'Connor).The integration on animals in various forms of treatment has had an overwhelming response of shortened recovery time from children to the elderly. Most would not think that the companion of an animal may help a person physically but in many ways it does both directly and indirectly. Dogs were initially used in a mental health facility in the 1700s, and then again by the American Red Cross in military convalescent care after World War II. The Children's Hospital of Orange County stablished one of the nation's first, and leading pet th erapy programs.This hospital became one of only a few hospitals in the nation to offer such services. Currently, only fifty hospitals offer pet therapy and this is a surprisingly low number considering the proven medical benefits. However, in this instance the pets used to assist in the recovery were only used with young/pediatric patients. The therapy dogs and their owners aid children in the medical and surgical wards of the hospital, as well as in the physical, occupational, and speech therapy departments. (â€Å"Patients Appreciate Pet Partner†).The unconditional care and love given by these dogs not only raised the spirits of the sick children but it also provided time where they could escape from the daily treatments and life of living in a hospital There is also statistical data supporting the many benefits of pets and their affect on the elderly. For example therapeutic horses have been shown to have a positive impact on many individuals with a variety of disorders. à ¢â‚¬  Anna suffered a stroke and was physically sound in every way except for her speech. She could only utter one word, and then 0 seconds to a minute would pass before she could say another.But when leading her around on Lucky, I looked back at Anna and asked how she liked the ride. She said, ‘l like it Just fine. This is the first time IVe ever been on a horse! ‘ I nearly fell over! † (Barnard 2) â€Å"The Human-Animal Bond may be defined as the relationship between people, animals and their environment† (â€Å"The Human-Animal Bond†). Clearly these examples above show that no matter the age of the person, animals will have a positive effect on the quality and quickness of the healing process. Additionally, pets elp keep their owners in shape as well as assist the physically and mentally challenged.To have a dog means added responsibility such as walking, lifting, and physical grooming ofa pet, which supplies daily physical activity. Physical acti vity leads to overall improved health with leads to fewer visits to the doctor for minor health issues (â€Å"Why Man's Best Friend Is Man's Best Friend†). These are all common movements that a physical therapist would require of their patients that can be reinforced in the home â€Å"off hours† keeping the patient strong and moving. In one tory, a dog sits for hours caring for a mentally and physically disabled person while enduring immense pain but not whining due to not wanting to upset her. [V]anZante realized she had been parked on Max's tail the entire time. Max hadn't complained at all. ‘He was in pain, clearly, but he seemed to know that she had special needs, so he just sat through it,†(Carmichael 1). It is a heartfelt story that illustrates how dogs aid in the support of the handicapped. Throughout the nation, there are therapeutic riding programs design to work with physically or mentally challenged individuals to mprove their physical strength a s well as a compassion for another creature.UpReach, located in Derry, is a non-profit organization, which works with children and adults with the interaction with horses. The program is designed to improve the physical, emotional, and psychological development of these individuals. Research has found that the walking motion of the horse imitates movement of the human body. Many of the children have difficulty with gross motor skills, and riding moves the muscles in their backs and buttocks, which helps with the improvement of these motor skills. Grooming, petting, and feeding of the horses incorporate fine motor skills. The community they (UpReach) serve includes, but is not limited to, people with the following challenges: Cerebral Palsy, Traumatic Brain Injury, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Visual or Hearing Impaired, Intellectual Disabilities, Down Syndrome, Sensory Integration Processing Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Youth-at- Risk† (http://www. upreachtrc. org). Patty Sexton, a volunteer at the UpReach Program of New Hampshire commented, â€Å"l have seen huge improvements while I have been here this past year.When I began, the therapist and I had to hold/position the young client the entire time. Unable to sit unassisted in the beginning, ne now sits rather well independently. The therapist spends a great deal of time alternating positions; sitting forward, riding backwards, sitting side-ways. These changes work to develop different muscles†¦ † Personal stories are written all over the world of how animals have physically changed a person's life. Pets have been found to decrease depression, increase self-esteem, and give individuals a sense of control.This area as endless research in support of the positive affects animals can have on a person. â€Å"Pet owners are less likely to suffer from depression than those without pets† (Segal 1). According toa new study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, pets offer the same emotional benefits as human friendship. Current research at the Miami University and St. Louis University surveyed 217 people looking at variables such as depression, loneliness, illness, self-esteem, and activity-levels.Individuals who had pets scored higher on all aspects of the survey and were found o have overall higher self-esteem and less loneliness. Another study was administered to look at dog owners and how a pet filled their social needs. The authors write, â€Å"†¦ to the extent that their dogs fulfilled needs related to belongingness, self-esteem, meaningful existence, and control, owners enjoyed a range of better outcomes (i. e. , less depression, less loneliness, greater self-esteem, greater happiness, and less perceived stress)† (â€Å"The Psychological Benefits of Owning Pets†).As told in the movie, War Horse, â€Å"We'll be alright Joey. We're the lucky ones , you and me. Lucky since the day I met you. This demonstrates the companionship between a man and his horse, and how it was the strength needed to overcome the hardship that the main character faced throughout the story. Pet owners with AIDS are far less likely to suffer from depression than those without pets. â€Å"The benefit is especially pronounced when people are strongly attached to their pets,† says researcher Judith Siegel, PhD (â€Å"What Are the Health Benefits of Owning a Pet†). There is also currently a program called PAWS for reading.This program allows children to read aloud to a therapy dog or cat, or even a bunny in order to improve reading and ommunication skills. Children read individually to trained therapy pets (and their handlers) in schools, libraries, or other settings so that they can feel comfortable and confident. This has also been applied to children with fears of going to a dental procedure. After all, a dog will not correct them or make them feel awkward if they stumble, unconditional love and respect seems to apply in so many different ways and applies to a variety of pet therapy programs.Animals have been proven to give mood stabilization and a feeling safety. A pet provides consistency to our lives. â€Å"[Pets ay well represent the lost relationship of the mother to infant; that is complete and total devotion, love and adoration. They can help bridge the developmental transition from infancy to childhood; from dependence to independence; from isolation to social integration at varying times and stages in our lives† (Friedmann 1). Caring for a pet can significantly affect daily routine and gives us something to look forward to each day.All of this is an important factor to include when a person is dealing with grief and death. For example in the book, Marley and Me, Marley creates a sense of security in the household emotionally. There the three of us stayed, locked in our embrace of shared grief† ( Grogan 49). Pets have been found to relax us and focus our attention away from our problems and worries. Research even suggests that a pet can be a better listener than most people.Married women teel that they are listened to better by their dog than their husband, and husbands like to talk to their dog more than their wife since they never give their opinion. This constant communication helps people problem solve and work through difficult situations. If we look back to one of the original intentions of the dog, it would be for protection. As families traveled across dangerous terrain and encountered unknown predators, the dog has given a sense of safety. It is proven that pet owners feel less afraid of being a victim of crime while walking their dog or in their home.I personally know my family has no desire to have a gun in their home since we feel confident in our dogs' abilities to protect us. This leads toa home with less anxiety as well as one of our most important emotional s tabilities of safety. From 1970 to 2010, the number of dogs and cats in homes has increased from 67 million to an estimated 164 million (â€Å"Pet Overpopulation†). The National Institutes of Health, with funding from Mars Pet Food, recently developed a to study to analyze the benefits of human-animal interaction.The program, operated through the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development, offers scientists research grants to study the impact of animals on child development, in physical and psychological therapeutic treatments, and on the effects of animals on public health, including their ability to reduce or prevent disease. The institute feels it's critical to establish a scientific foundation for the vidence that animals are good for people, even if it already seems obvious to most of the population.Our current insurance system needs to reward individuals or families that own a pet, since it is clear they can reduce health issues and improve overall physic al and mental wellness. An animal is non-judgmental, they help us feel needed and give us unconditional love and trust. They listen to our troubles and sit close through the good times and bad. In stories they have always have been our hero. All research seems to conclude that theyre numerous physical and psychological benefits of having a pet in your life.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Healthy fear Essay

Fear is a feeling; it is a reaction to something we are frightened of, a natural instinct when faced with something we feel may endanger us. However, fear can be healthy and/or unhealthy; for instance, being afraid of spiders is slightly unhealthy as they can not actually do any harm but if a person is afraid of developing cancer and as a result of this they stop smoking, this is a healthy fear. In biological terms, when any fear is experienced, certain areas of the brain such as the amygdala and the hypothalamus are activated which control the initial, physical response to fear. Chemicals such as adrenaline and the stress hormone cortisol are then released into the blood stream causing certain physical reactions such as; a rapid heart rate, increased blood pressure, tightening of muscles, sharpened or redirected senses, dilation of the pupils (to let in more light) and/or increased sweating. (Native Remedies) Having a phobia is a fear of something. Whatever this phobia may be, it creates a feeling of fear and causes irrational and sometimes inexplainable behavior. Being afraid of confined spaces can cause some people to avoid travelling in elevators at all costs, others who are are fearful of flying may never travel abroad. There are fears in everyone, a fear of growing old or a fear of dying is possibly an unhealthy fear as ageing and death comes to us all. Fear can present itself when feeling nervous about something, perhaps before an important occasion or a speech in front of people; there may be a fear of forgetting what to say or a fear of embarrassing oneself. Apprehension is fear and sometimes an apprehensive manner is due to the unknown, expecting something bad will happen creates a sense of apprehension. Anxiety is also fear, having experienced something that created dissatisfaction or dislike, there can be a fear in this feeling recurring, therefore an anxious fear is felt. In some people anxiety can control their lives and medication is necessary, normal worries and healthy fear are less likely to make you feel this way. Fear in children is slightly different to fear in adults. As they are unable to rationalize and compare their fears to anything other than the way they feel, a child feels an actual threat by what they are in fear of, sometimes this can cause inconsolable behavior, only rationalized when they are able to understand they are not in any real danger. Fear can be controlled by the mind. It is the brain that gives the message of something to be afraid of; if that fear is an irrational fear (spiders), then it is possible to overcome this fear by thinking logically. Unless you are faced with a wild tarantula, the tiny spider can do no harm. By telling yourself that the spider is more fearful of humans may put your fear in its place. Fear is completely normal and is a useful tool when recognizing and distinguishing danger; how we respond is according to our fear.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

History Isu: Juno Beach Essay

Some of the greatest battles in Canadian history took place during the course of World War II. Most would argue it to have been Stalingrad, The Battle of the Atlantic, or even the Battle of Scheldt. The Battle at Juno Beach was a defining moment in Canadian history that led to the rise of a great nation. On June 6, 1944, after having prepared for more than four years, Canadian troops in Britain took place in an invasion that would become the greatest turning point in Canadian history. â€Å"†¦ early in the morning of June 6th, 1944 under cover of a massive air and naval bombardment, ships started ferrying 150 000 American, British, and Canadian troops across the channel of Normandy.† After courageous fighting and tremendous struggles, the Canadian, American, and British troops managed to get the farthest inland to secure a position against allied invaders. â€Å"†¦the German defences at Juno Beach had been shattered and Canada had established the beachhead.† Because Canadian troops were able to secure the beach, â€Å"Operation Overlord† led to great victories amongst the Allied Troops. Juno was the largest amphibious battle to have taken place in history. â€Å"155,000 soldiers, 5,000 ships and landing craft, 50,000 vehicles and 11,000 planes were massed for the greatest seaborne invasion in history.† Canadian troops, being the only commonwealth nation, were assigned 1 out of the 5 beaches at Normandy to secure. First, Canada was to create a beachhead on Juno beach. The American, Canadian and British troops task was to capture and seize all sea towns ashore of the beach and get further inland after breaking through enemy lines. Also, their objective was to secure the Carpiquet airport and create a link that would be able to attach the British beachheads on the other two beaches, Sword and Gold beach, and also to secure the Caen-Bayeux highway. â€Å"The challenge facing the Canadians was to overcome the coastal defences and capture ground positions that could be defended against German counter attacks.† The task the Canadians were given was one that would take a lot of courage and self-determination to push through. â€Å"†¦ Germans had turned the coastline into a continuous fortress of guns, pillboxes, wire, mines and beach obstacles.† Although the Germans had displayed strong thresholds, the allied troops managed to keep pushing their way through German defences. With the lead of Major General R.F.L Keller, the 3rd Canadian Infantry along with many men, tanks, and vehicles helped to secure and take over Juno Beach. â€Å"The 3rd Canadian Infantry Division supported by the 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade would land on Juno beach in brigade groups. Two brigades would land in the initial assault followed later by the reserve brigade which would pass through the lead brigades on to the divisional objectives . More than 20,000 men, 200 tanks and hundreds of other vehicles were under the command of Major-General Keller.† The allied troops were successful in securing the position on Juno beach. â€Å"†¦in the face of heavy shelling and deadly machine gun fire, the Canadians fought their way past the German defences.† The troops were able to penetrate farther inland then all other allied forces could. Securing Juno beach was a huge success and as a result, has helped Canada to become a greater nation. Since Juno Beach, the troops that were involved with the invasion are greatly recognized and forever appreciated. Securing Juno Beach may have been one of the best things to have happened. After having done so, many great victories came along. They extended their beachhead further inland, and continued to move northwestward. They were able to liberate several French channel ports, which included Dieppe, which was a great success, because a number of Canadians had lost their lives at such place two years back. Also, because of such a great achievement at Juno Beach, the liberation of Europe took place, along with the defeat of Nazi-Germany, which lead up to the end of World War 2. The defeat of Nazi-Germany became a very proud accomplishment for many. â€Å"Allied to serve the common cause of freedom and democracy, Canada, Great Britain, the United States, the countries of the British Commonwealth and free nations suffering under Nazi occupation counter-attacked.† Due to Canada being able to accomplish many victories, they proved that coming together as a nation could lead to great victories and successes. Also, it helped make and build the independence of Canada. It showed that Canada is a powerful country, and doesn’t need to hold hands with Britain per se, but still work together. â€Å"So many different roads to Victory, conquered through determination and courage and at the price of many human lives.† Although â€Å"Operation Overlord† took the lives of many brave soldiers, it was one step closer to the complete defeat of Nazi-Germany. With great success comes a price, and although the capture of Juno Beach was accomplished, many soldiers were wounded, killed, or captured. â€Å"Fourteen thousand Canadians landed in Normandy on D-Day and to ensure the victory 340 Canadians had given their lives. Another 574 had been wounded and 47 taken prisoner. The casualties were less than expected, but heavy nonetheless.† Despite the many loses Canada suffered, soldiers were still encouraged to move forward and keep on fighting. The Canadian troops relied heavily on goods and services that were being shipped to them. The government greatly supported the troops, providing them with the many necessities needed to be successful. â€Å"Canadian troops relied on a tight organization and on a wide range of services that provided food, shelter, medical care, intelligence, communications and more. They also relied on ships, aircrafts, tanks and weapons needed to face the enemy.† Funding for the invasion was very costly, but in conclusion, led to great victory for the allied troops. Canada at the Battle of Normandy had a great impact on war. It changed the way many thought of the word â€Å"impossible.† After what was done, and how much was conquered, anything is possible. Being able to get further inland than any other before and securing a position that later on led to the liberation of Europe and the defeat of Nazi-Germany isn’t just a small accomplishment, it’s something that has changed the way war is seen and the way troops continue to fight. Without the necessary goods and services being sent over to the allied troops, not much would have been possible. Many brave troops stood against German defences and took their lives so the rest of their brothers could continue on and make Canada proud. â€Å"Many would die there but, for the Canadian forces, D-Day was a triumph that is still honoured at home and on the beach they called Juno.† It is with great success that Canada as a nation, is able to say proudly that they fought strongly to secure Juno beach on June 6, 1944, and because such a great event took place, the rise of a nation began. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Jill Coyler, Jack Cecillon, Graham Draper and Margaret Hoogeveen, Creating Canada A History- 1914 to present ( McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2010) , 239 [ 2 ]. CBC News, D-Day: The allied invasion of Normandy, 1944,, June 5, 2009 [ 3 ]. CBC News, D-Day: The allied invasion of Normandy, 1944,, June 5, 2009 [ 4 ]. Lane, D.W. â€Å"Juno Beach – The Canadians On D-Day†1944,, Operation Overlord – Plans and Preparation [ 5 ]. Lane, D.W. â€Å"Juno Beach – The Canadians On D-Day†1944,, Operation Overlord – Plans and Preparation [ 6 ]. Lane, D.W. â€Å"Juno Beach – The Canadians On D-Day†1944,, Operation Overlord – Plans and Preparation [ 7 ]. Jill Coyler, Jack Cecillon, Graham Draper and Margaret Hoogeveen, Creating Canada A History- 1914 to present ( McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 2010) , 239 [ 8 ]. Juno Beach Centre, â€Å"Canada in WWII†,, Roads to Victory [ 9 ]. Juno Beach Centre, â€Å"Canada in WWII†,, Roads to Victory [ 10 ]. Lane, D.W. â€Å"Juno Beach – The Canadians On D-Day†1944,, Operation Overlord – Conclusion [ 11 ]. Juno Beach Centre, â€Å"Canada in WWII† http://www.junobeach.o rg/e/4/can-tac-e.htm Arms & Weapons [ 12 ]. CBC News, D-day: Canadians Target Juno Beach 1944, 2003

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Summary of an article that discusses how microsoft office is being Essay

Summary of an article that discusses how microsoft office is being used in Nursing - Essay Example These devices are larger than a mobile telephone but smaller than a laptop computer. The authors note that there is an increasing tendency for nurses to be required to use microsoft applications for such tasks as making list, accessing clinical reference materials, writing progress notes, and referring to protocols etc. The advantages of mobile devices with this software include a decrease in medical errors, because mobile notes are more reliable than memory, and an increase in self-efficacy for the students. This is important in nursing because even students have a busy working day and deal with heavy demands in terms of holding and using information. It transpired that stundents could quite easily transfer skills from desktop computing, such as word processing and spreadsheets. Knowing Windows and how it works was a big help in giving the students confidence with the new devices. One hindrance in the use of microsoft technology in a clinical setting is that many hostpitals do not p ermit the use of wireless equipment near patients because of the possibility of interference with medical equipment.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Impacts of Credit Crunch on Ryanair Research Proposal

Impacts of Credit Crunch on Ryanair - Research Proposal Example In February 2008 Reuters reported that global inflation was at historic levels (Reuters 12 02 2008) Ryanair, the first Low Cost Carrier in Europe, it was founded in 1985 ( History 2008). Ryanair began operations with a staff of twenty-five and a single 15-seat airplane flying connecting Waterford and London. In 1986 Ryanair got authorization to begin flying four flights a day on the Dublin-London route. Utilizing the opportunity, they broke the monopoly of British Airways and Aer Lingus with fares that were much lower. Ryanair's strategy (initially) was to offer simple, low-cost fairs and exemplary customer service. During the later part of the 80s Ryanair continued to compete vigorously with British Airways and Aer Lingus while adding additional routes and airplanes (Creaton 2004). In 1990 Ryanair suffered a 20 million loss and was forced to completely restructure. A new CEO - Michael O'Leary - was charged with making the airline profitable. O'Leary visited the USA to study the 'low fares/no frills' model being used by Southwest Airlines. O'Leary promptly determined th at the key to low fares was to implement quick turn-around times for aircraft, "no frills", and no business class, as well as operating a particular model of aircraft (Ryanair About Us n.d.). Regardless of the decline in overall airline traffic, Ryanair made a profit of 293,000 for the year and carried 651,000 passengers. In 2000, they announced the launch of 10 new European routes for the summer and the company launched their new online booking site and in just 3 months the site was taking over 50,000 bookings a week (Ryanair About Us n.d.). After the tragedy of 9/11, the whole air transportation industry suffered a drawback and airline companies had to modify their strategies in order to adapt to the new situation that led to an increase in oil prices and a downturn in traffic (Gloomy Ryanair 2008). Ryanair, instead of cancelling thousands of flights, adapted the opposite strategy (DG TREN - ANALYSIS OF THE EUROPEAN AIR 2001). The company took advantage of empty slots in the airports, which were until the date the biggest constraint in European airports. In 2008 Ryanair is the 3rd largest airline in Europe; it has 31 bases and carries 50.9 million passengers annually (Ryanair Annual Results 2008). The firm's whole story is built on ambitious growth targets.

To what degree are these representation positive,negative, or Essay

To what degree are these representation positive,negative, or politically mixed - Essay Example Television is embedded into culture and therefore significantly explains the observed gradual transformation of the social order through centuries. In respect of the Sex and The City (2003), â€Å"A Woman’s Right To Shoes† (season 6, episode 9) it is evident that the television technology is one of the greatest players when it comes to social reorganization that has been experienced over the years. It is imperative that some of the terms in this topic of gender under television media analysis are defined to give an insight into the underlying supportive ideas over the subject. Cultural forum is one of the concepts that need clear definition in respect of the existing relationship between television and media. In respect of television technology, the contemporary cultural system of the world undergoes continuous examination by the work of art. Television coverage explores various issues around the world and the aggregate role of this media therefore sums up as either inf ormative or entertaining. The outstanding function of television is its exemplary recognition of the female gender, the minority group and children in the social framework. By transmitting various scenes of socio-political issues across the world, television has significantly opened up the society and is almost initiating a gradual convergence in culture which promotes awareness of women rights and affirmative action. Television discussions are also giving men consideration in terms of fair treatment from the fairer sex as cast by this episode. Sex is represented as a biological concept that distinguishes anatomy of humanity in the society while gender is derived from the social definition. The television has been instrumental in exploring the gender biasness that exists between women and men. In respect of the program line up in the television channels, it is common to find that the timing and planning is strategically formulated in a way that it befits the various audiences. The e merging reorganization of the television content including the soaps, live shows, talks are targeting a given audience with a hint on the work and leisure relationship. The widespread cases of housewives that were common gave the television program managers incentive to come up with family chores related discussions. The concepts highlighted in the episode above gives an extensive family issues twists and the contemporary change of events as far as the gender roles are concerned. Television has been one of the political tools for helping women get their voice heard in the cycle of politics in the society. This is achieved through debates that expose women as the equals of men in terms of political leadership. Social constructionism has played a vital role in helping research remold the grounded theory in social research. The social constructionists have been on the view that knowledge is not created by constructed. The media have the in-depth psychological concepts of its audience a nd this has been an advantage at their disposal in constructing various issues which when passed to the people they perceive as true. Television causes a lot of illusion that cannot be avoided by any person due to the uncensored explanations they provide to support their findings. This has been the force behind the outcry on the unfair gender disparity in terms of various decision making institutions. Political scene around the world has greatly been influenced by

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Sequel to Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw Essay

Sequel to Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw - Essay Example The play commence when Mrs. Eynsford Hill with her daughter, Clara, wait for her son, Freddy to hail a taxi raining weather. Freddy notices the flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, selling a flower that had fallen down and paid for by a mother and a son to a man (Shaw, 8). Henry Higgins, a phonetician was taking notes in a phonetic script on the conversation Eliza had. The gentleman Eliza had propositioned names himself as Colonel Pickering to Higgins. The note taker gives Eliza a handful of coins and later part together for a dinner. Eliza visits Higgins and Pickering in a laboratory the subsequent morning. She surprises the two phoneticians by asking for an English lesson (Shaw, 59). Pickering challenges Higgins that he cannot convert Eliza into a compelling duchess in 6 months. Later, Eliza sits for her first public test that occurs at Higgins mother’s dwelling (Shaw, 59). Higgins finds out that Eliza still required serious training when she narrated an off-color tale about her re latives to the visitors. After six months, Higgins and Pickering take Eliza to an Embassy ball. Eliza’s exceptional speech and the beauty she presents make the Ambassador’s wife blissful.... Doolittle to his wedding. Later Eliza launches a florist shop after a colorful wedding. Pickering becomes the financial assistance of the florist shop. Sequel to Pygmalion The main theme seen in the sequence to Pygmalion is romance that takes the core part when evaluating the play. The details that wind up the play are summarized to ensure that indolent readers do not get the wrong ending intentions he puts across. The main thing he wants to ensure that his anticipated romance is not misinterpreted as a cliche. Problem The act of Eliza refusing to marry Higgins is insisted by Shaw (Shaw, 92). Eliza believes that she was still young and attractive; hence had no pressure to marry anyone. She believes that Higgins is domineering and insensitive, though He was rich and competent of sustaining her, Shaw shows that the high principles set by Higgins mother; Mrs. Higgins makes Eliza unlikely to marry him (Shaw, 92). Another aspect is that he had passions in his life that exceeded the zeal f or sex, which clearly shows the difficulty of Eliza getting married to him. The fact that Freddy continued to assert his scale of love he had her for Eliza on a daily basis made him think that Higgins will never worship and humble himself before her. In his play, Shaw shows how it is common for stronger individuals to look for weak partners for a hand in marriage (Shaw, 92). He explains the boredom that exists amid two similar partners having the same characteristics and ability living together. Shaw ends by giving a synopsis of the beginning of Freddy and Eliza lives together and concluding that Freddy was more attractive than Higgins. This is an aspect that influences Eliza to love Freddy more than Higgins. At the beginning of their matrimony life, Shaw manages to depict the financial

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Financial analysis of Medtronic Inc Research Paper

Financial analysis of Medtronic Inc - Research Paper Example According to the research for every industry and every firm, marketplace responsibility is essential to maintain. The responsibility and accountability which medical sector holds is far more challenging than any other sector. A single incident of mistake from medicinal institution can rupture the reputation of the company. The case of Medtronic in regards to accountability and responsibility is much stronger as it has hardly encountered any severe case which would have violated the ethical standards. Medtronic Inc not only possesses leadership skills but also possess a strong marketplace in behaving with accountability and responsibility. This role of responsibility and accountability in marketplace reflects the integral role of suppliers and customers for the long term sustainability of Medtronic. Global quality strategy refers to maintaining the level of quality which is supplied at the global level. Some companies outperform others by providing the best possible quality to their p atients. This is the greatest strength which a medical firm can possess because it retains the existing number of customers. Being positive and trustworthy in the eyes of customer is very important in the field of medicine. The vision of Medtronic Inc is to sustain the quality of products, services, relationships and processes. In medical care, maintaining the quality of these concerns is integral. It is not only important for physicians but also for patients, hospital administrators and Medtronic’s performance and corporate reputation. ... The vision of Medtronic Inc is to sustain the quality of products, services, relationships and processes. In medical care, maintaining the quality of these concerns is integral. It is not only important for physicians but also for patients, hospital administrators and Medtronic’s performance and corporate reputation. The company has utilized systematic approach for maintaining quality which can be divided into risk management, centralized monitoring for quality processes and standards and resources for maintaining quality concerns globally. The company has expertise in maintain the quality of products which it offers including not medicines but therapies, equipments as well. This can be the major reason that in the subsequent mentioned SWOT analysis, the company has the lowest number of weaknesses which is a sign of a sustainable and peak performing firm. SWOT Analysis of Medtronic Inc SWOT analysis analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities which a firm fac es while operating its business. Strengths and weaknesses are normally referred to as related to the internal environment of business, whereas threats and opportunities are generally regarded as related to the external environment of the business. Strengths Strengths of a company determines its strong points which assists that company in carrying out it operations. Medtronic Inc possesses a strong market position. It is considered as the global market leader in medicinal industry. Another strength of this company is that the company offers wide range of products for almost every type of medicinal field. Medtronic Inc’s financial stability is its major strength. The company has great control over